Produse pentru reacții chimice (3)

Uzine Chimice și Sisteme de Reacție

Uzine Chimice și Sisteme de Reacție

We consider your individual requirements and build customised chemical plants and reaction systems for you. Plants for processing liquid and solid chemical substances require a high degree of precision, safety and reliability. IFA Technology has an extensive portfolio of gravimetric and volumetric mixing and dosing systems. Our systems meet all country- and customer-specific requirements for explosion, emission and environmental protection as well as for material resistance and product compatibility. Furthermore, our mixing and dosing systems, especially in batch operation, offer a high degree of production reliability, which is guaranteed by minimisation of material contamination, reproducibility and detailed documentation.
Pentru Reacții Fluente - Industrii

Pentru Reacții Fluente - Industrii

Die chemische Industrie stellt für viele Wirtschaftszweige die benötigten Rohstoffe her. Wichtige Industriezweige, die diese Stoffe benötigen, sind die Lebensmittelindustrie, der Automobilbau, der Maschinenbau und die Baustoffindustrie. Viele chemische Herstellungsprozesse sind auf den thermischen Austausch angewiesen, um der Reaktion Wärme zuzuführen oder zu entziehen. Hierzu werden häufig Wärmetauscher aus Metall eingesetzt, die allerdings sehr korrosionsanfällig sind. Unsere Kunststoffprofile bieten eine langlebige Lösung mit ausgezeichneter Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalien und Korrosion. Sie sorgen für mehr Leistung bei geringeren Kosten
Analiza carbonului

Analiza carbonului

Total carbon, TC - Total inorganic carbon, TIC, CO2 - Total organic carbon, TOC - Carbidically bound carbon, free carbon We determine the carbon modifications for you: Total carbon, TC - Total inorganic carbon, TIC, CO2 - Total organic carbon, TOC - Carbidically bound carbon, free carbon in different matrices like soils and rocks, oxidic raw materials, carbides and other materials.